Today...I disagreed with someone on social media.
I know, I own fault.
And to be truly fair...I was not calm in my initial response.
But here what is CRAZY. I maintained a level head and didn’t insult anyone. I recognize how to get my point across without that. The responses to me? The exact opposite.
“I hope enjoy your comfortably bigoted life with your blue eyed blonde haired family.”
“The only reason she has anything is because of her husband.”
“Who the hell are you besides some entitled brat? If you want to be a racist do it somewhere else.”
“Your opinion is irrelevant. You’re irrelevant.”
Now mind you. My response had just said that labeling people as a race or a _____ made the problem in this county worse. I said I missed 9/12/01 because it was beauty and this America was disgusting. People coming together to help and love on each other is what this country was supposed to be.
But then people proved my point.
This America IS disgusting.
Part of me fought SO hard to not respond anymore and to stop taking offense. How could I? Everything I have is because of my husband? Entitled? Irrelevant? Do these people have a clue who I am or the things I have faced?
The answer?
People project the things they are feeling. At least there’s no other logical response.
I know myself. I know my history and I own it. I parent my children and teach them to have an appreciation for what they were born into.
But I will be DAMNED if anyone tries to make me feel like less for finally getting something I wished, prayed, and fought for...for so many years.
Funny though. How the same people calling me a bigot and a racist...are judging me for my blonde haired and blue eyed children.
Oh how I wish those same children were growing up in a loving world instead of whatever this is.